samedi 21 mai 2011

A.1: C'est si bon!

The other day, I received the most wonderful package from my friend, Julie, who lived in France for a year as an exchange student. In the package was a Paris travel book (en francais!) and a copy of Le Petit Prince en francais aussi! It is one of my most favorite books, and I’d been planning on getting a copy in French while in Paris, but Julie beat me to it! With it was a note that said that when her host mom, who was from Germany, first moved to France, her would-be host dad gave her French copy of Le Petit Prince, along with a train ticket to visit Paris for the first time. When Julie first visited Paris, her host mom also presented her with a copy of Exupery’s beloved novel. Now, Julie has kept the tradition alive, and so, not only do I have a ticket to Paris, but I have my very own copy of Le Petit Prince! Needless to say, I absolutely adore it and Julie :)

         I’ve spent some time looking through the travel book she gave to me, in addition to a few others, and I’ve found a few more places to add to my must-see list, after Cupid and Psyche, of course.
         One spot I’m dying to see is Monet’s house. Elle est très charmante! It appears to be the cutest little cottage covered in vines, surrounded by a quintessential French garden. It literally looks like it’s straight out of one of Monet’s paintings! All it needs now is a white picket fence!
         Another spot I want to go visit is the Cimetière du Père-Lachaise. It is where Chopin is buried, as well as Jim Morrison, and numerous other famous people. Also, according to the pictures I’ve seen, there are really pretty avenues going throughout the cemetery. I’m not sure a cemetery is somewhere I’d want to eat lunch everyday, but still. It’s a must-see!

3 commentaires:

  1. I want to go to Monet's House too! It's in Giverny, which isn't too far from Paris.

  2. I think I heard a few people were thinking of an excursion there on Sunday of Versailles weekend? great idea - very doable and nice day trip :)

  3. I still remem. buying my first French copy of le Pt. Prince in Paris my first time over :) definitely go to Père Lachaise and if you're interested the cimetière Montmartre is just as good (IMHO) but of course no Oscar Wilde, no Morrison, no Chopin - just Nureyev, Truffaut and Alexandre Dumas :) lots of people have picnics in PL and elsewhere! picnics along the Seine and at the Eiffel Tower and in any of a gazillion parcs/jardins are always good ideas!
