mercredi 29 juin 2011

E.1: The Homeless and Their Pets

In the few weeks I have been in Paris, I have realized the love Parisians have for their animals, dogs especially. They bring them everywhere; they eat with them in cafes, they travel with them, they bring them shopping, the list goes on and on...I have also noticed that a lot of homeless people have dogs or pets with them. At first, to be honest, it made me angry that they would put their pets through that. Why not take it to an animal shelter instead of making it suffer with you? Although it still makes me a little mad (and sad) to see them out on the streets, it made me realize how mad I get back home when dogs end up in shelters when their owners move or "don't have the money for them". So what makes me more angry? It's a catch 22 almost.

I've been pondering this situation and have come to terms with my thoughts...It is a bit honorable almost that these homeless people would rather keep their pets and try to feed them (best they can) rather than just give them away. These pets are probably some of the only friends they have anymore so why abandon them like they have been abandoned themselves from their former lives. If I had no family or friends to leave my dog with if I were homeless I would probably do the same and be more hungry for the sake of my pet. When I adopted my dog I took on that kind of responsibility. At home I frequently visit the shelters to give the dogs some company. I find some of their abandonment stories absolutely ridiculous. There are (pricey) purebred dogs that were given up because their owners new apartment doesn't allow it or they could "no longer afford it". Why not find a pet friendly apartment instead? Or cut back on your daily starbucks?

As with all stories there are two sides to everything and 300 words cannot begin to break into this subject. But it is something to think about when mentally scolding the homeless people for NOT getting rid of their pet.

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